[Windows][Restore] How to back up and restore collages
[To Backup collages on your PC]
In File Explorer, go to C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Local\Packages\CardinalBlue.PicCollage_<random string>\LocalState\Collages
Copy the whole “Collages” folder to a USB drive.
Important Note: On Windows, the AppData folder may be hidden and you may not see it in the File Explorer. If this happens, search for “CardinalBlue.PicCollage” in the File Explorer.
[To Restore your collages]
This should be done right after you have installed a fresh copy of PicCollage, andBEFORE you create any new collages.
In File Explorer, go to C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Local\Packages\CardinalBlue.PicCollage_<random string>\LocalState\Collages
Copy the content of the “Collages” folder back from your USB drive.
*Please refer to our blog post for more info: