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[Create] Add/resize/re-edit text to Pic Collage

How to add/edit text

To add text, please swipe the menu bar to the left and select “Add Text”. After you type in your message, you can change the font/text color/outline in the options next to the typing area.

Please refer to the instruction collage below.




How to resize text

To resize text, you can use your finger or the dot at the corner to enlarge or shrink the text box.

To change the number of lines, you can either move the left handle of the text box horizontally to change the line, or directly put the words in next line when typing.

Please refer to the instruction collage below.

Text handle

How to re-edit text

To re-edit the text or its style, please just double-tap/long tap the text, and the text editor will pop up with all the options below the text message box. 

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