Where is the crop feature?
I use PicCollage because it could let me crop the photograph to any size that I need. Why did you take this feature away and replace with those useless round corner square or rectangle? Please revert the old crop feature. Thanks

Hi PicCollagers,
Thank you all very much for the feedback. We apologize for the inconvenience and please know that we are working on our own cropping feature. Hopefully we will be able to provide the feature in the immediate feature.
Meanwhile, please provide us with as much information and feedback as possible in terms of your usage of photo effects. Let us know what you think of the new filters. Your feedback would help us tremendously in improving the app. Thank you for your support!
max4541 commented
In the past I used this app in windows to create a collage then print 5x7 or 8x10.
Now I can't figure out how to get these standard print sizes.
The collage size seems to be unchangeable.
Any help would be appreciated. -
Anonymous commented
I’ve opened the app to find so many changes. Main features such as cropping, blemish correct and all of the filters have been removed and replaced with very poor basic ones? What’s happened?
Laura commented
Please bring back the crop feature! I used to find it so quick and easy to use, and it looked great when a boarder was added. Now I’m limited to using those few shapes, and I don’t have as much freedom to have the picture look exactly the way I want it to. Please, please bring it back!
AG commented
Yes I had to come on here to search for this!!! what happened to the crop feature??? NOT COOL!
Anonymous commented
Also enjoyed pic collage for years and feel so upset it’s changed. I think they will lose a lot of customers now, it’s lost everything that was unique and good about it. I just hope they read some of these comments and revert back or at least give the option to choose which version. Can’t see what has upgraded or improved just loads of great stuff gone!
Carol commented
You took away the photo editing part where I could crop, put a border around and change photos please put it back
watsonsaleequine commented
Anonymous commented
What college educated idiot decided to eliminate the crop feature? Do you expect us to crop photos in a diff app and then use yours for the rest? You aren't that special.
Skinzzz73 commented
The latest update got rid of some really good features, like crop! Started looking for alternative apps because this has gone backwards. I’ve had it for years to, use to love it!
bex_eaglen commented
bring back crop. cut out is rubbish.
Anonymous commented
Agree. Add the old feature back. I need to be able to crop, and flip and cut to square. This version sucks and I pay a lot of money with in this app. Put back the old functionality.
sharathvontivillu commented
why you removed the crop feature?? We want that back.
Charlotte commented
I can’t understand why the cropping tool has been removed either. It makes no sense. Most of the changes they make are improvements but this is going to be a real problem if we want to make collages which is surely the purpose of the app. Unless it’s ‘reinstated’ I’ll have to find another app as will other users. Such a shame as I’m used to it and have recommended it to countless people.