Dear Pic Collage. Everything wrong with you. Please sort yourself out.
Feature system.
All the same people are featured. Feature more people, some people might be really good but never noticed.PopPage.
Ok so half the people on the pop page DONT use pic collage anymore. Get rid of them put active, talented, friendly collagers not inactive people.
3.Talking to other people.
You can’t have a private conversation with anyone through the comments! Include a messaging system where you can share pictures and chat with other people privately.
Pending review.
Ok I get your not letting inappropriate content be posted but a lot of collagers are put on pending review for no utter reason.Hatepages.
So many people have been affected by hate pages. Please stop people from creating an acc with “hatepage” in.
I could go on forever, there probably will be a Part 2 to this. Sort yourself out Pic Collage.

AddictedToVolleyball commented
CatgirlBlaire123 commented
Adding private conversations would be great! Amazing ideas that I’m sure others have thought through as well. 👍🏻
golddust commented
Preach 🙌🏼
BLISSFUL-fanpage commented
This is soooo true!
sunlight- commented
375wolf_pack573 commented
And all my friends, classmates and family/followers think I am am amazing at writing quotes so I post them
375wolf_pack573 commented
I hate hate pages I agree with most of these things