Problems Posting a Collage
So I’m having struggles posting a collage but it’ll say “posted” yet when I go on my account it won’t be on there.
I’ve tried to sign in and out and repost the collage over and over again it it still won’t work.
If u have any ideas or any tips pleeeeeeaaase comment on one of my collages at either-AestheticV1bes- or -AestheticV1bes-Extras-
:) thanks
Margie commented
Why in the World did you take the main features away from PicCollage
Please could we have the old version back
Blur, Crop, Blemish....... This really Sux....... You have very unhappy customers -
AddictedToVolleyball commented
hi! this has happened to me, and i have figured out the reason. either your collage or caption has something “offensive” or “inappropriate” in it. sometimes it doesn’t actually have this, but pc thinks it does. i hope i helped! ♥️
InHerOwnWay commented
thats happened to me before... it was R EVA L L Y annoying 😒